Wonderful Easy-Making T-Shirt Rugs

T-shirts come in many different sizes and thicknesses. The thick cotton t-shirts make for solid strips which are difficult to pull into the mesh canvas. Hence, it is recommended going for t-shirts which are soft and thin that are much simpler to latch-hook. Rinse and dry all t-shirts before stripping to ensure there is no shrinkage afterward and they should be prepped to remove fabric dye.

T Shirt Rug Hula Hoop

T Shirt Rug Hula Hoop

T Shirt Rug Hula Hoop

It is the classic craft to reuse t-shirts – Create a woven rug utilizing a hula hoop like a loom! The hula hoop t-shirt rug project is easy and super-fun to do.

T Shirt Rug Pattern

T Shirt Rug Pattern

T Shirt Rug Pattern

The lovely rug which you can see in the picture has been made with worn T-shirt scraps in shades of your choice. In case you want it simple, you can shuffle white and black rags to create these rugs.

T Shirt Shag Rug

T Shirt Shag Rug

T Shirt Shag Rug

There are many types of old t-shirts crafts out there, though this is a great one on rugs. By using a worn hand towel, you can accumulate the bits and pieces of the torn t-shirts to make this shag rug.

T Shirt Rag Rug

T Shirt Rag Rug

T Shirt Rag Rug

Rag rugs are really a trend in this modern world. It is easy to craft and clean. Merely cutting off pieces from unwanted torn T-shirts and crocheting in double colors of fabric produces these gorgeous rag rugs.

T Shirt Area Rug

T Shirt Area Rug

T Shirt Area Rug

If you have a specific color plan in mind for the area rug, pick your t-shirts accordingly. You will need a lot of t-shirts for the area rug due to its huge size.

T Shirt Scrap Rug

T Shirt Scrap Rug

T Shirt Scrap Rug

You can get a lot of t-shirt scraps from your nearest thrift store which you can use for making these rugs. You will get a couple of bags of t-shirt scraps just for some pennies in which you can make four to five rugs.

T Shirt Rug Loom

T Shirt Rug Loom

T Shirt Rug Loom

The entire process of making a simple t-shirt rug loom and knitting a rug was loads of fun and very easy. Ensure to secure all the four corners by dowels so that the loom frame will be adjustable length-wise.

T Shirt Open Rug

T Shirt Open Rug

T Shirt Open Rug

In the open t-shirt rug, as the shirts are layered, it results in a slightly uneven floor surface. Hence, it is not suitable for people who are skid prone or have trouble walking.

White T Shirt Rug

White T Shirt Rug

White T Shirt Rug

This t-shirt rug project is an excellent way to use all of those junior soccer/ high track/rugby/quidditch white shirts if you do not want to distribute them.

T Shirt Yarn Rug

T Shirt Yarn Rug

T Shirt Yarn Rug

The t-shirt yarn rug makes use of the fabric yarn as the name implies. Once you cut the big strip, pull the piece and allow the spun in the t-shirts to curl on itself, therefore creating the yarn.

T Shirt Rug No Sew

T Shirt Rug No Sew

T Shirt Rug No Sew

If you are a beginner to thread and needles, go for this no-sew T-shirt rug which is the ideal project for a cold or rainy weekend, as it takes some patience and time.

T Shirt Yarn Rug Pattern

T Shirt Yarn Rug Pattern

T Shirt Yarn Rug Pattern

It is ideal to collect or prepare all the necessary t-shirt yarn needed a particular t-shirt yarn rug pattern before you start with knitting or braiding. It is mandatory to roll up the yarn and make them as balls to avoid interlocking.

Latch Hook T Shirt Rug

Latch Hook T Shirt Rug

Latch Hook T Shirt Rug

Remember these two words for selecting a latch-hook device for crafting a latch hook t-shirt rug: COMFORT GRIP! Do not use those cheap wooden latch hooks since the t-shirt yarns might be thick.

Woven T Shirt Rug

Woven T Shirt Rug

Woven T Shirt Rug

Soft, recycled T-shirts can reborn as beautiful woven t-shirt rugs, increasing their use in the years to come. Try to use dark colored t-shirts as they will not show off the accidental dirt.

T Shirt Shaggy Raggy Rug

T Shirt Shaggy Raggy Rug

T Shirt Shaggy Raggy Rug

The t-shirt shaggy raggy rugs are cozy and warm, soft and inviting and incredibly stylish; thus making them the classic addition to a playroom or nursery.

Some more Wonderful Easy-Making T-Shirt Rugs:

How Much T Shirt Yarn For Rug

T Shirt Rug Weaving

How To Make T Shirt Yarn Rug

T Shirt Yarn Rug Crochet Pattern

Knitted T Shirt Rug

T Shirt Rag Rug No Sew

Hula Hoop T Shirt Rug

T Shirt Rug Tutorial

T Shirt Rag Rug Tutorial

T Shirt Yarn Rug Tutorial

Old T Shirt Crochet Rug